Tuesday, June 29, 2010


rdaas is the key note, the life-force of this Holy Maryada. No boons were sought, no prayer ever made for any material prosperity and material benefits. The whole Ardaas

stands glorified in exclusive Prema Bhagti and devotion of Sri Guru Nanak

Sahib. It was divine in content. No names, nothing worldly has ever been

included in the Ardaas of Mahan Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj. The vision

of the Eternal Glory of Sri Guru Nanak Sahib flashed supreme there, and

in the Mighty Ocean of Purity, Maya in any form of worldliness dare not

enter the place.The whole Maryada is rooted in desirelessness. True

devotion is transparent in every aspect of this flawless Maryada. Spirit

of desirelessness pervades every activity.

Vin Tudh Hor Je Mangna
Sir Dukhan De Dukh
De Nam Santokhia
Utre Man Ki Bhukh
Sri Guru Granth Sahib (958)

Sewa Karat Hoi Nehkami
Tis Ko Hot Prapat Swami
Sri Guru Granth Sahib (286)

Selfless, motiveless, true service facilitates attainment of God.

Service, adoration, love and worship of Sri Guru Granth Sahib

was done in a true spirit of total desirelessness.

It was in this purest of the pure atmosphere of total desirelessness,

of total absence of worldliness that taste of Immortal Bliss was an

experienced reality for everyone.Nishkam Service, Nishkam Nam Simran,

Nishkam Kirtan, Nishkam Akhand Paths and Sampat Akhand Paths, Nishkam Ardaas,

was the essence of the whole Maryada. Everything was utterly Nirol and Nirmal.

There was not the least taint of selfishness, there was no trace of worldliness in

this purest of the pure Maryada. Such was the kingdom of God brought down on

earth by Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj.

Eh Sach Da Rasta Hai Es Ute Jhooth Nahin Tur Sakda
Baba Narinder Singh Ji

This is the Path of Truth. Falsehood cannot tread this Path. This is the Path of Purity, Impurity dare not walk on it.

This Maryada radiates pristine purity and no worldliness dare touch and defile it.

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