Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Vich Bani Amrit Sare By Brig.Partap Singh Ji


This is the First Humble Homage at The Lotus Feet of our Most Beloved Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji offered for the Most Auspicious Occasion of the Tercentenary Gur Gaddi Divas.

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Sri  Guru Granth Sahib Kirtan 1:
“Ek Boond Gur Amrit Deeno
Ta Atal Amar Naa Mooaa.”

Start with the Holy Hymns of Sri Guru Nanak Sahib as we start on this journey of Amrit.
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300K (High) - watch | download | send as a present

Pothi Parmeshar Ka Thaan

Bachan 1:
Parvachans explaining what Dharam is?

The Lord (Nirankar) inquires from Dharam what all does it need to establish itself? What requirements does Dharam tells the Lord and how does the Lord respond?

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300K (High) - watch | download | send as a present

Sri  Guru Granth Sahib - Lord Almighty Himself

Kirtan 2:
“Jhim Jhim Amrit Varsada
Bulaya Boli Khasam Da

Jaisi Main Aawai Khasam Kee Bani
Taisra kari Gyan Ve Lalo ”

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300K (High) - watch | download | send as a present

Brig. Partap Singh Ji

Bachan 2:
Bulaya Boli Khasam Ka - "I say only what the Lord tells me." - All the Guru Sahebs put forth soul-stirring examples of Humility and did not take credit for anything. Dharam asked for "Roop" (form)from the Lord for its establishment, and How Guru Arjan Patshah gave the form of Nirankar to Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Guru Nanak Sahib Himself, in Sri Guru Granth Sahib, proclaim that The Lord Himself has taken the form of Sri Guru Granth Sahib - Waho "Waho Bani Nirankar Hai".

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Sri Guru Granth Sahib Kirtan 3:
Please listen to how Guru Sahebs say that Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the very source of Amrit.

“Gur Sagar Amrit Sar
Jo Ichhe So Phal Paaye
Naam Padarath Amar Hai
Hirdey Man Vasaye.”
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300K (High) - watch | download | send as a present

Brig. Partap Singh Ji

Parvachans 3:
Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj elaborate upon the Amrit Bani.

Amrit Bani (Gurbani) was the Guru from the very beginning, Sri Guru Nanak Sahib illuminated the world through Gurbani. The same Divine Jot continued the process of illumination through Gurbani in the Luminous Form of Sri Guru Angad Sahib. Sri Guru Nanak Sahib continued the Divine process through Sri Guru Amar Das Ji and so on. Illumination continues unabated-through the same Gurbani from Sri Guru Granth Sahib. For Gurmukhs, the eternal illumination is flowing straight from the holy lips of Jot Roop Har Guru Nanak where as others only perceive a holy book in front.

- Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj

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Kirtan 4:
Kirtan on the Importance of Amrit Bani:

“Amrit Bani Gur Kee Meethi
Gurmukh Virley Kine Chankh Deethi”

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Brig. Partap Singh Ji

Parvachans 4:
Grand Sacred Bachans on What a Sikh is. "Suraj Kiran Mili Jal Ka Jal Hua Ram"

How a Gurmukh is like a Kiran who gives all the credit to the source of its light, the Satguru.

Also includes sacred Bachans on the stage (Avastha) of the Gursikh who has tasted a drop of this Nectar (Amrit).

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Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Kirtan 5:
“Amrit Varse Sehaj Subhai
Gurmukh Virla Koi Jan Paaye
Amrit Pee Sada Triptasey
Kar Kirpa Trisna Bujhavanya ”

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Brig. Partap Singh Ji Parvachans 5:
Baba Narinder Singh Ji said how fortunate we are to be sitting at the Lotus Feet of this source of Amrit.

If we still remain deprived of this drop of Immortal Nectar, only we ourselves are to be blamed.
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Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Kirtan 6:
Concluding Kirtan on Amrit:

“Ek Boond Gur Amrit Deeno
Ta Atal Amar Na Mooaa”

100K (Low) - watch | download | send as a present
300K (High) - watch | download | send as a present

3 ways of keeping our Guru Sahib at Home

Beloved Guru in our Home


The Eternal Guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib is accorded treatment in one of the aforementioned ways. In many houses the most Esteemed Satguru is accomodated in servant quarters, in garages, in store rooms or other unfit places, may be out of ignorance.

In our house, reception and entertainment of a visitor varies according to his status and relationship. For a most revered and beloved guest we, perforce, make the best possible arrangements and procure the best available requirements befitting the dignity of the most esteemed guest. Lodging and catering arrangements are the best possible.

For equals, the reception and treatment is more informal and free, on the basis of equality.

For messengers, servants and other workers, treatment is of inferior quality matching our own servants in the house.

The Eternal Guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib is accorded treatment in one of the aforementioned ways. In many houses the most Esteemed Satguru is accomodated in servant quarters, in garages, in store rooms or other unfit places, may be out of ignorance. In most of the houses, the Guru is treated on equal terms. In exceptional cases, the Guru is served, adored and worshipped in the house as the most Revered and the most Beloved Satguru.

Sikh Sangat derives its Sap and vitality from the Guru. Guru's physical presence used to inspire the deepest respect in the minds of sikhs. Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the Living Guru and not a mere scripture. Love and adoration of the Highest for Sri Guru Granth Sahib should arise in every heart to derive the maximum spiritual benefits.

“Khudai Te Safai Da Mel Hai”

Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Therefore necessity arises to maintain cleanliness

and purity of everything required in Sacred Service, Worship and Adoration of the Lord.

Cleanliness and purity of the body and personal clothing, cleanliness and purity of the place,

cleanliness and purity of all the offerings and the articles of worship and that of the place of

worship. That is how every thing can be sanctified.

How miserable we feel with unclean body and mind. How much more miserable one

would feel in unclean service, unclean offerings and unclean worship of the Purest of the

Pure Lord.

All the Padaraths have been given to us by the Lord. Every thing offered to the Lord is

actually His and not, ours. Therefore, there is nothing which we can call ours and really

offer Him. He does not feel hunger and thirst for things which He gives to us in plenty.

He does thirst for one thing. He is very greedy also for that rare commodity and that is

Divine Love. So we have to lovingly serve Him, lovingly offer Him, lovingly adore and

worship Him without any selfish desire and motive. He seeks our undiluted, unselfish,

pure love much more than we seek Him.

Therefore, we should offer the best possible service and worship to our Beloved Satguru,

our Loving Lord and try to get rid of the sense of 'My and Mine' in relation to all our worldly possessions. With such surrender we are Guru's and Guru is ours.

Moreover, the Lord is the Sole Donor. He gives the food to all His Creatures. But His

own food is Love. Lord Rama relishes the already tasted dry fruit from devoted Bheelani

, Lord Krishna relishes the vegetable leaves in the cottage of poor Bidur ignoring the delicacies

awaiting Him in the Palace of Daryodhana. Sri Guru Nanak Sahib relishes the simple food

offered by Bhai Lalo rejecting the royal feast of Malik Bhago.

An impure mind, a mind stained with impurities can not prepare and offer Parshad to the

Lord Satguru who is an Ocean of Purity, who is Purer than Purity itself.

With regard to the Bhog Philosophy it is metaphysical truth established and based

upon direct experiences of great sages, bhaktas whose bani has been enshrined in

Sri Guru Granth Sahib. It has been validated by scriptural evidence in Sri Guru Granth

Sahib and in the Vars of Bhai Gurdas Ji. It is also based on direct experiences of other

enlightened souls.

As already stated whatever we offer to the Lord, we cannot call it ours. Everything has

been given and bestowed to us by the Lord Satguru only.

“Satguru Padarath Nahin Mangde
Bhavna De Bhukhe Han”

Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj

“Bhog Bhavna Nu Hi Lagda Hai
Asin Sarey Us Da Dita Hi Khandey Haan”

Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj

The Living Lord :Guru Granth Sahib ji

“... Tenth Guru Nanak permanently resides and dwells in Sri Guru Granth Sahib and blessed indeed is the devotee to whom He so reveals Himself ...

Sri Guru Granth Sahib is
The Living Lord

Sri Guru Nanak Sahib had passed on His whole Potency to Sri Guru Angad Sahib. Sri Guru Angad Sahib passes on the same to Sri Guru Amar Das Ji and so on. Tenth Nanak passes on the same Potency to Sri Guru Granth sahib in terms of Eternity. There is no distinction between Potency and the Possessor thereof. Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the same Jaagdi Jot - Jot Roop Har-Guru Nanak. Sri Guru Nanak Sahib and Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib are inseparable from Sri Guru Granth Sahib and exist in Sri Guru Granth Sahib in their fullness. That is why Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib declares that He permanently abides and dwells in Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Every hymn of Sri Guru Granth Sahib is surcharged and pervaded with Divine fragrance, glow and eternal presence of our beloved Lord Guru Nanak. Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the Eternal Embodiment of the whole Shakti, Divine Wisdom, Love, Humility, Holiness and Divinity of all the Ten Manifestations of Guru Nanak.

And this is how this Sovereign Power of Sri Guru Granth Sahib is addressed to:

Dasoon Patshahion Ke Saroop,
Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj,
Hazara Hazoor, Jahra Jahoor,
Kalyug Ke Bohit,
Nam Ke Jahaj,
Halat Palat Ke Rakhiak,
Lok Parlok Ke Sahayak,
Dasaan Patshahian Di Hazar Nazar Jaagdi Jot,
Sahib Ji De Path Darshan Da Dhian Dhar Ke
Bolo Ji Sri Waheguru
Sri Guru Granth Sahib is
the Celestial Ship of the Divine Name.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib is
the Protector, the Saviour in this world
and the worlds hereafter.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib is
the Eternal Guru, Jaagdi Jot.

Is the Illuminator
and the Divine Sustainer of the whole Universe.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib is
an Ocean of Nectar
and a drop of this Nectar is enough for emancipation.

Pointing towards Sri Guru Granth Sahib:

Eh Jeonda, Jaagda, Bolda Guru Nanak Hai

Highly blessed are the souls who sail in this Celestial and Divine Ship (Sri Guru Granth Sahib).

It is a ‘Voyage Divine’, through the most dreadful Ocean of Mortality in this Dark Age. It is a wonderful long journey in the perpetual Holy company of our most Beloved Satguru. Wonder of wonders is that Guru Nanak is all the time at our side and never leaves us stranded for a moment. Guru Nanak is our Rescuer and our Saviour.

As Holy Guru Granth Sahib is a Divine Ship one can easily cross this terrible ocean of illusion and mortality by hearing, by reciting, by singing (holy Kirtan) the Divine Name and Glories of the Lord through the hymns of the Lord Himself. There is no higher Satsang than the Holy Association of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Guru Nanak's wonderful Divine Lila and Sport on earth flashes in our minds through these sacred hymns and that Holy Remembrance and Faith is sufficient for liberation.

Amrit Bani (Gurbani) was the Guru from the very beginning, Sri Guru Nanak Sahib illuminated the world through Gurbani. The same Divine Jot continued the process of illumination through Gurbani in the Luminous Form of Sri Guru Angad Sahib. Sri Guru Nanak Sahib continued the Divine process through Sri Guru Amar Das Ji and so on. Illumination continues unabated-through the same Gurbani from Sri Guru Granth Sahib. For Gurmukhs, the eternal illumination is flowing straight from the holy lips of Jot Roop Har Guru Nanak whereas others only perceive a holy book in front.

“... There is no higher Satsang than the Holy Association of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Guru Nanak's wonderful Divine Lila and Sport on earth flashes in our minds through these sacred hymns ...”

God is Love and Love is God. In His Great Udasis Sri Guru Nanak Sahib reaches out, in Love, to the worst sinners like Kauda the Rakshas, Sajan the Murderer, Bhooma the Dacoit, the Lepers and the downtrodden and saves them. Eternal manifestation of Sri Guru Nanak Sahib, Sri Guru Granth Sahib is Love and Love is Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Sri Guru Granth Sahib is Cosmic Love and reaches out to all those who seek solace and healing balm of the Great Emancipator.

Healing and Soothing Love of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib reaches out to the thirsty and wounded enemy, it reaches out to the whole humanity without distinction and discrimination. Love of Guru Gobind Singh Ji is All-Embracing and Universal.

All Glory to Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib who infused the whole of His Potentiality in His Eternal Manifestation, The Eternal Guru Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

Gurbani is surcharged with all the spiritual power of the Divine Gurus as they had infused their whole Divine strength there in. Each and every hymn stands fully surcharged with the Eternal Glory of the Divine Name.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib is One Eternal Guru without a Second. Sri Guru Nanak Sahib and Sri Guru Granth Sahib are ONE. Sri Guru Granth Sahib though in appearance, a Holy Scripture, assumes a Divine Form of Guru Nanak for the sake of true devotees. It is only few blessed ones who thus obtain His Auspicious Darshans in Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

“Tenth Guru Nanak permanently resides and dwells in Sri Guru Granth Sahib and blessed indeed is the devotee to whom He so reveals Himself.”

Guru Nanak Data Baksh Lai Mission

About Guru  Nanak Daata Baksh Lai Mission
Bhai Baba Ji Partap Singh Ji Jaspal

Guru Nanak Daata Baksh Lai Mission and its activities are the vision of Brig. Partap Singh Ji Jaspal (Retd.), a direct, intimate and lifelong disciple of the Greatest Sikh Saint of all times, Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj. He had the most blessed privilege of having Direct Darshans of Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj, of sitting in His congregations and to have been initiated on this path by Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj Himself. Proud son of Baba Narinder Singh Ji, who was himself Babaji's most Beloved Disciple, Brig. Partap Singh Ji Jaspal was also blessed by his father the service and worship of the same Divine body of Sri Guru Granth Sahib which Baba Narinder Singh Ji had unceasingly served and worshipped in his life-time and from which he had realised Lord of his love Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj and the Supreme Divinity Sri Guru Nanak Sahib in flesh and blood. Brig. Partap Singh Ji Jaspal has only one ambition, that to share with the world, the priceless spiritual treasure that he inherited from Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj and his own worshipful father, Baba Narinder Singh Ji. He has been devoting his entire time, energy and effort unceasingly for this cause.

Our missionary activities span a network of websites as listed below:

- a Complete Sikhism Resource
- Tribute to the Supreme Divinity, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
- a Labor of Love offered to Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj
- an Exclusive Sikh Videos Gurbani Kirtan initiative
- Tribute to Guru Gobind Singh Ji and The Khalsa established on Tercentenary as the Most Befitting Tribute on This Sacred Day of the Khalsa.
- This website was later set up to further spread the Message of Baisakhi, and to add other valuable internet services.
- Website setup to pay our humble Tributes to The Eternal Guru Sri Guru Granth Sahib on the Most sacred Tercentenary GurGaddi Diwas, being celebrated as “300 Saal Guru De Naal”.

TV Telecast

You may watch our programs in the USA on the reputed Punjabi Channel -
Jus Punjabi TV. It is telecast as follows:

  • Day: Every weekend (Saturday and Sunday)
  • Time: 6:35 pm to 7:00 pm EST
  • Channel: Jus Punjabi TV

Our Videos have become hugely popular and have achieved many milestones. Some highlights:

  • Special Screening in Takhat: For the first time in the History of the Takht Sachkhand Sri Hazur Sahib, on the request of the Management and the Clergy of Takhat Sachkhand Sri Hazoor Sahib, Special screening of these Videos was organized there on September 15, 2004 when the Fourth Centenary of First Parkash Utsav of Sri Guru Granth Sahib was celebrated from there 14th to 16th September, 2004. It was shown on very large screens in a very large pandal set up for this specific purpose.
  • Telecast on Sony TV: The special Albums produced by the Mission were telecast on Sony TV on the sacred Centenary of the First Parkash Utsav of Sri Guru Granth Sahib.
  • Telecast across USA on Jus Punjabi: Our TV Programme comes in the USA on every weekend from 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm (EST - Eastern) on the reputed Punjabi Channel Jus Punjabi TV.
  • Telecast in UK: Impressed by our videos showcased on this website, ZEE International, part of the ZEE family had approached us to show these to their audience in UK. Our Videos were telecast for over 10 months on Zee's UK Punjabi channel (also called Alpha ETC Punjabi UK) and the viewership and popularity of the channel increased significantly over this period.
  • Telecast on ETC Channel, Zee Punjabi: Our programmes have been consistently telecast on these channels on Special Days like Gurpurabs and Centenary Anniversaries.

Everything Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj preached was marked with Purity and total non-involvement of any worldliness. It is only at His Lotus Feet that we tasted the True Bliss of the House of Lord Guru Nanak. Fully aware of our limitations, we aspire to retain the same purity and non-wordliness in all our presentations and works here. You would feel as you go through the text, audio and video a distinct, undiluted bliss and fragrance of the Glorious House of Guru Nanak retained in its pure, original form.

With the grace of Lord Guru Nanak, the Mission has spread beyond all our expectations. Thousands of emails and blessings that we have received from all over the world and continue to receive every day are our most treasured possessions today and our more than deserving rewards.

Our websites have also won numerous rewards and reviews including "Best of the Net" from, Editor's choice award from,, reviews from has won the world's top-rated and also the highest level (level 5+, considered best of the best) award - the Webpix award from Beehive.


We started the journey with the launch of on The Tercentenary Baisakhi, the most befitting tribute for the day. This historic event was globally celebrated on a very large scale and it was this website which people turned to for celebrating this historic day's true essence. The site has since been the de-facto standard reference for The Baisakhi Day. It was featured "the Site of the Day" on this day at, at that time the no. 1 indian portal.

Soon afterwards, Brig. Partap Singh Ji's Labor of Love, was released. It immediately captured the imagination of millions and won them over with an precedented Divine Saga and rare Divine Wisdom.

At the turn of Millennium, the website was presented to the world as the Parting Divine Gift of the Millenium. It unfolds Sikhism in its untainted form, as it was preached by Sikh Gurus themselves by their own Glorious Life Samples.

We have been concentrating most of our effort now on Video and Audio. This is the media most appealing to the audience and the most effective as well. The evolution of is a result of this long dedicated effort to present in the form of Videos the entire Life History and Teachings of our Beloved Gurus to the audience the world over.

The website has been dedicated as a humble Tribute to the Supreme Divinity, Sri Guru Nanak Patshah.

Other Activities

Apart from the dominant presence on internet, the spiritual renditions of Guru Nanak Data Baksh Lai Mission are broadcast through the Satellite and Cable Network, they are available as Video and Audio cassettes, and also made available through publications. We are going to launch the productions of Guru Nanak Data Baksh Lai Mission in a big way into the Satellite world, the proceedings for which are underway. All of our Video and Audio programmes have been prepared taking exceptional care of the quality and standards, with a particular emphasis on using the digital technology to the maximum extent. They are comparable, if not better than any of those available from big video production houses.

Some of our Video and Audio productions have been released through T-Series and are available through distribution channels of T-Series. We have also made our Video programmes available in the form of VCDs to facilitate spreading the Message to people away from the home land.

No Donations are Accepted

Guru Nanak Data Baksh Lai Mission is blessed to be operating under the Highest of the High Maryada of Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj. This Maryada, culture is unique amongst all the known cultures established in Satyug, Treta, Dawapar and Kalyug. Mahan Babaji did not allow the Maya in any form to enter His Holy Place. There has not been a single instance in all the ages, of such a place where sadhus, sanyasis, had not gone for collecting, begging for food or food items from the people or their houses. Surprisingly in the midst of Kali age, Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj established a holy place which, in all aspects, was totally devoid of any influence of any form of Maya. The Mission does not accept any donations in any form and no one is entitled to obtain monetary assistance, favours on behalf of the Mission.

A Few of the Blessings Received

Dear Guru Nanak Daata Baksh Lai Mission,

I am writing to you from Australia.
Firstly may I say a big thank you to you for such a beautiful website. It is a gift to the world.
I am a newcomer to Sikhism and have just started visiting my Gurdwara in Melbourne... I just wanted to say that it would be wonderful if the videos and the other
materials were also in English. I am finding that I love the Sikh religion and dearly want to embrace it with my full heart.
I love watching your videos. I particularly loved watching Brig. Partap Singh Ji Jaspal speak in the video series
Yug Yug Satgur Dhare Avtaree”.
May God bless you and thank you.
Best wishes.” - Alan Finch, Australia
“Thanks to you so much. I am so happy to find this site. I reside in US but I don’t have any Gurudwara near me. I used to miss it so much but by going on this site I was so happy that I started crying. I would really appreciate if you add more shabads to your site. The photo you have on your site of Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib is there in Gurudwara Sis Ganj Sahib in New Delhi, India. He is my almighty. My e-mail address is also on his name.” - Anonymous, USA

Lord of Lords bless the people like you who had brought the beloved of God so near to every heart of us by internet. God of God is seeing the sewa you are doing my brother… please send the original cassettes of Babaji… because I want to start a mission of taking these cassettes to every Gurudwara and let satsang listen the glory of
Braham Giani Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj.” - Simu, India

I was born and raised in a Brahmin family and left India 31 years back. Ever since I kept my life simple but I was always God fearing person. I was more into spirituality. Did not go to any Temples or Gurudwara Sahib. I am going through my divorce and the time is so tough. A friend of mine sent me some videos as present from this site and that was the luckiest day of my life. Ever since that day, I am so very hooked to the Kirtans that I spend every spare moment of my day listening to these Kirtans as they are so very peaceful and soothing not only to my ears but to my soul also. No matter how many times I listen to Jhim Jhim Amrit Varsada, its not enough. I listen to this certain Kirtan at least 40 times a day. I cannot thank enough to Brig. Partap Singh Ji Jaspal. And to the sisters whose voices makes my days easier. In the morning when I open my eyes, these Kirtans echo in my head and it is a wonderful feeling to get up with and start the day. My hearty thanks to Brig. Pratap Singh Ji’s family. With all my warm wishes. - Payal, Canada
“You are doing a great service to the community. Keep it up.” - Joginder Singh, IPS Retd. Former Director, CBI, INDIA “Its really great that we are celebrating 300 yrs of GURU GRANTH SAHIB and for the same videos are being made by all of you.” - Jaswant, INDIA

“Though I have been reading the books and watching VCDs produced by Guru Nanak Data Baksh Lai Baba Nanak Baksh Lai Mission, I saw the updated site today and I must confess that it is not one of the best but the best of all that I have seen to keep a layman spell bound and reflecting on ones life and ones deeds. The only way to reach the divine is the KUTTA MARG which babaji has blessed us with and me - a kafir - cannot even try to follow this. Please accept my apology for anything that I may have written.

My salutes to the mission.” - Amarjeet Kaur, MALAWI, South Africa.

“I dont have words as it is a very spiritual job for making people understand that only God is truth and rest all are fake things. Keep on doing measures so that people can come out of vagueness.” - subhash, INDIA
“Thanks to you so much. I am so happy to find this site. I reside in US but I don’t have any Gurudwara near me. I used to miss it so much but by going on this site I was so happy that I started crying. I would really appreciate if you add more shabads to your site. The photo you have on your site of Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib is there in Gurudwara Sis Ganj Sahib in New Delhi, India. He is my
Some Feedbacks Received for Websites
almighty. My e-mail address is also on his name.” - Manvinder, USA
“Dear Guru Nanak Daata Baksh Lai Mission, I am writing to you from Australia. Firstly may I say a big thank you to you for such a beautiful website. It is a gift to the world.
I am a newcomer to Sikhism and have just started visiting my Gurdwara in Melbourne... I just wanted to say that it would be wonderful if the videos and the other materials were also in English. I am finding that I love the Sikh religion and dearly want to embrace it with my full heart.
I love watching your videos. I particularly loved watching Brig. Partap Singh Ji Jaspal speak in the video series “Yug Yug Satgur Dhare Avtaree”. May God bless you and thank you. Best wishes.”- Alan Finch, Australia
“Respected Brig. Sahib Ji,
Sat Sri Akal.
I join my family in praying to Waheguru Ji to bless you and your team with his choicest blessings for providing Sikh Sangat with Gurbani Kirtan and Gurbani Vichar.
The use of latest technology in spreading Gurbani across the world is a great achievement.
Sikhs are not only grateful to you and your associates but will always remain indebted to you for this great work.
Kind Regards.” - Rajeev Singh Walia and Family
“Revered Brig. P. S. Jaspal,
Your books in English on Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj were the turning point in my life. Every thing changed after that. Your books are a gift to the human race for the whole age of Kaliyuga. We sincerely request you to allow us your darshan at Chandigarh. I look forward to having a glimpse of you as you have been blessed with the darshans/sangat of Baba Maha Harnam Singh Ji Maharaj and Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj.” - Indarpal Singh, Gujrat, INDIA
“The spiritual teachings of Baba Nand Singh Sahib really touched deep down my heart. Kindly carry on with this noble zeal by adding new materials.” - A. K. Medhi, India “I have no words to express myself. All I can say is, this is Nanaksar Thaath on the web. It is Maansrovar on the net, in which thousands of crows will take a bath and turn into swans. Baba Nand Singh Ji Tu Sabhni Thaee. You are great O Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj. This site is Rosary of Thousand Kohinoors. On the behalf of all the Sangis, I would like to thank you for setting up this site on our Great Baba Ji.” - Amandeep, SINGAPORE
“I’m from Mexico, I’m catholic, I was doing a research about your religion when I came to your site, your music and your videos brought immense peace in my heart and tears of joy. I just wish I knew your language to continue my soul growing. Thank you for bringing beauty in life. Peace and Love for ever.” - a Catholic from Mexico “With great sincerity I enjoyed so much your beautiful website, I would like to be initiated… I am in New York city and I am ready to travel anywhere. I particularly love the portrait of Baba Ji with the kindest eyes.” - Sophia, USA
“Guru Roop Khalsa Ji,
Thohadi Banai Hoi Videos Bahut Hi Vadia Si
May Waheguru give us strength to walk on our gurus steps and promote our culture the way our gurus want. Thanks a lot for sending me e-mail.
Also I don't have words to express my feelings but thanks.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh” - Baba Bidhi Chand Dal Khalsa, HONG KONG
“Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Dearest Brigadier Partap Singh Ji,
I thank you for making this site... It is one of the most wonderful gifts a sikh can receive in his life. Please also bless me that I may be immersed at the Holy Feet of his glorious baba nand singh sahib ji maharaj like your father and you.
Thanks and Regards,” - Simranjeet Singh, INDIA
“Dear Gurmukhon, This is by far the most beautiful site i have ever come across in my entire life.” - Manmeet Dhody, India “Your website is mind-blowing. I stay in Hong Kong where we only have one Gurdwara and don’t have many activities. However, I am impressed by the words and voice and the way of delivering the message of Sikhism used here.” - Catherine Johal, Hong Kong
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Canterbury Christ Church University College, UK
“Rev Brig Pratap Singh Ji, My name is Madhur Krishan Dhingra. I have regularly been watching your TV programmes for some time now. In no words can I write the joy that I have received hearing gurbani and your discourses… there is a desire in me to be associated with you and also to start doing selfless service.” - Madhur Krishan Dhingra, India
“This is an excellent website and I'm writing again to thank you for it. I still can not believe I was lucky enough to find such a wonderful site on the internet. - Hardeep Lidder, British Columbia, Canada “Your team has assembled the BEST content I've been able to locate to-date relating to this subject. You deserve the greatest praise and the sincerest best wishes of our entire community. Good luck to all of you, and THANK YOU for all your efforts.” - Jatinder Singh, USA
“We must say, it’s the sewa for Guru Sahib what you are doing on the internet. Please keep it up. We are really thankful to you, who are doing such a spiritual job, Guru Ghar Aap Sab Mein Samaya. Every body will get Guru Darbar through this site.
Thanks.” - A. Babbar, India
“I’m planning to come to Punjab for initiation… I was on my death bed last year, promised God to get initiated if he made me well enough to travel. He did more than I could ever imagine. It would be a dream fulfilled to sit at your feet… God Bless.” - Israel Brenner, USA
“I was really overwhlemed while visiting the site of the holy Guru Granth Sahib. I will surely spread the word around and I also offer myself for any help needed by your sadh sangat.” - Ranjit Kaur, Delhi “Thanks for hosting such a valuable site. It is a sincere tribute to His Holiness Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj. It is a great effort on your part. Keep it up.In the end I would like to say : ‘Baba Nand Singh Ji Tere Jai hove, sab devte phul varsaunde ji teri jai hove’. ” - Bikramjit Singh Sidhu, Patiala
“This is an amazing site that you have built. Thanks for providing this wonderful resource.” - Rashid Sultan “Through this site you have given us so much prakash of Baba Ji. I am very very thankful to you, like I have got heaven on this earth by having knowledge of your this site.
Thanks once again.” - Rita, India
“This is a holyistic site I have ever seen on net . You people are doing great work . You will be blessed by Akal Purukh.” - Birender Pal Singh “Thank you for this beautiful website. Man Poora Guru Naal Jud Jaanda Hai. I am really grateful.” - Manjeet Singh, UK
“I would just like to say how wonderful I think your website is. I have learnt and appreciated more from reading this then I have done previously from going to the gurudwara.” - Jasveer Manku, USA “This is truely an incredible website. I don't have appropriate words to praise my lord who has given the sense to produce such an incredible site. gur fateh.” - Sukhdev Singh Pandher, Canada
“I frequently search the internet about Babaji, I was doing the same this morning I saw your site about Babaji. What a great effort by you! I read the books about your esteemed father. What a great disciple and great great sevak of His Holiness, of His Master. When I was reading one of your books I was in tears. What a great man your father was!” - Sukhdeep Reen, Cleveland, USA “A very large and inspirational site which does not fail to capture any of the greatness of Baba Nand Singh Maharaj...I will soon be opening my own website and this is one site which will definetly be linked and promoted as much as my site will allow. Your seva is true and without greed which pleases me greatly. May your site continue in this way for as long as long can be.” - Gurpreet Sahota, UK