Wednesday, June 30, 2010

3 ways of keeping our Guru Sahib at Home

Beloved Guru in our Home


The Eternal Guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib is accorded treatment in one of the aforementioned ways. In many houses the most Esteemed Satguru is accomodated in servant quarters, in garages, in store rooms or other unfit places, may be out of ignorance.

In our house, reception and entertainment of a visitor varies according to his status and relationship. For a most revered and beloved guest we, perforce, make the best possible arrangements and procure the best available requirements befitting the dignity of the most esteemed guest. Lodging and catering arrangements are the best possible.

For equals, the reception and treatment is more informal and free, on the basis of equality.

For messengers, servants and other workers, treatment is of inferior quality matching our own servants in the house.

The Eternal Guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib is accorded treatment in one of the aforementioned ways. In many houses the most Esteemed Satguru is accomodated in servant quarters, in garages, in store rooms or other unfit places, may be out of ignorance. In most of the houses, the Guru is treated on equal terms. In exceptional cases, the Guru is served, adored and worshipped in the house as the most Revered and the most Beloved Satguru.

Sikh Sangat derives its Sap and vitality from the Guru. Guru's physical presence used to inspire the deepest respect in the minds of sikhs. Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the Living Guru and not a mere scripture. Love and adoration of the Highest for Sri Guru Granth Sahib should arise in every heart to derive the maximum spiritual benefits.

“Khudai Te Safai Da Mel Hai”

Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Therefore necessity arises to maintain cleanliness

and purity of everything required in Sacred Service, Worship and Adoration of the Lord.

Cleanliness and purity of the body and personal clothing, cleanliness and purity of the place,

cleanliness and purity of all the offerings and the articles of worship and that of the place of

worship. That is how every thing can be sanctified.

How miserable we feel with unclean body and mind. How much more miserable one

would feel in unclean service, unclean offerings and unclean worship of the Purest of the

Pure Lord.

All the Padaraths have been given to us by the Lord. Every thing offered to the Lord is

actually His and not, ours. Therefore, there is nothing which we can call ours and really

offer Him. He does not feel hunger and thirst for things which He gives to us in plenty.

He does thirst for one thing. He is very greedy also for that rare commodity and that is

Divine Love. So we have to lovingly serve Him, lovingly offer Him, lovingly adore and

worship Him without any selfish desire and motive. He seeks our undiluted, unselfish,

pure love much more than we seek Him.

Therefore, we should offer the best possible service and worship to our Beloved Satguru,

our Loving Lord and try to get rid of the sense of 'My and Mine' in relation to all our worldly possessions. With such surrender we are Guru's and Guru is ours.

Moreover, the Lord is the Sole Donor. He gives the food to all His Creatures. But His

own food is Love. Lord Rama relishes the already tasted dry fruit from devoted Bheelani

, Lord Krishna relishes the vegetable leaves in the cottage of poor Bidur ignoring the delicacies

awaiting Him in the Palace of Daryodhana. Sri Guru Nanak Sahib relishes the simple food

offered by Bhai Lalo rejecting the royal feast of Malik Bhago.

An impure mind, a mind stained with impurities can not prepare and offer Parshad to the

Lord Satguru who is an Ocean of Purity, who is Purer than Purity itself.

With regard to the Bhog Philosophy it is metaphysical truth established and based

upon direct experiences of great sages, bhaktas whose bani has been enshrined in

Sri Guru Granth Sahib. It has been validated by scriptural evidence in Sri Guru Granth

Sahib and in the Vars of Bhai Gurdas Ji. It is also based on direct experiences of other

enlightened souls.

As already stated whatever we offer to the Lord, we cannot call it ours. Everything has

been given and bestowed to us by the Lord Satguru only.

“Satguru Padarath Nahin Mangde
Bhavna De Bhukhe Han”

Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj

“Bhog Bhavna Nu Hi Lagda Hai
Asin Sarey Us Da Dita Hi Khandey Haan”

Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj

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